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Why is fingerprint biometrics needed in hospitals today?

Why is fingerprint biometrics needed in hospitals today?

Why is fingerprint biometrics needed in hospitals today?

Errors in healthcare delivery have the potential to be fatal, hence there is an urgent need to create a highly precise and trustworthy technique to protect vital patient data. Fingerprints can be used to distinguish one person from another in a large group. Fingerprinting is the most reliable method of identification since even identical twins have unique fingerprints. Fingerprint biometrics will boost privacy and security in healthcare facilities, while also enhancing patient safety through more precise identification.

Hospitals can more easily comply with rules like HIPAA and similar international statutes that require the preservation of patient privacy by using fingerprint biometrics. Fingerprint verification ensures that only authorized users may access sensitive patient information. Access to a patient’s medical history is recorded in an audit log, which may be used to check for wrongdoing and establish real responsibility. With fingerprint technology, both patients and doctors may be certain that their medical records will remain private.

How do fingerprint readers work in healthcare facilities?

Healthcare providers and hospitals are aware of the difficulties inherent in providing effective treatment in the modern day. Access to all networks, PCs, restricted areas, data, apps, and cloud services in a hospital is protected by fingerprint solutions. It is common practice for hospitals to utilize fingerprint scanners for a wide variety of purposes, such as patient check-in, visitor control, medication administration, billing, confidentiality, and access control.

Fingerprint readers are increasingly standard on hospital medical cabinets. This system’s benefit lies in the fact that it streamlines the administration of both drugs and medical supplies. Those in urgent need of pharmaceuticals and prescriptions can quickly, easily, and securely identify themselves and receive access by scanning their fingerprints. Numerous large hospitals in the United States have adopted this method, and millions of nurses use it regularly.

Fingerprint readers verify a patient’s eligibility for medical treatment. It stops members of the same household from using the same medical ID card. By doing so, the opportunity for medical identity theft utilizing a stolen card is removed. The patient must be present and authenticate his identity with a fingerprint scan before receiving treatment. As a result, healthcare administrators will have complete confidence that their services are reaching the correct people. Biometrics are the only absolute proof that the patient is who they say they are.

Because fingerprint identification systems immediately record all access to a patient’s information, doctors and nurses can stay on top of compliance. With a simple touch-and-go method, hospitals can keep their operations running smoothly and provide quick access to patient information in case of an emergency. Fingerprint recognition allows for extremely secure, individually tailored access to patient information from any shared workstation. This aids hospitals by reducing paperwork and cutting expenses.


Biometrics are becoming increasingly popular in many different fields, but the healthcare business is one in which they are being put to particularly effective use. There are significant cyber and IT dangers as well as physical access and theft in this business from both internal and outside sources. This being the case, the necessity to increase security measures is undoubtedly one of the most pressing issues now confronting the healthcare sector. 

This article delves at the use of biometrics in healthcare and the implications it has for the field of security. 

1. Verification Of the Identity of the Patient:

Biometric fingerprint scanners have rapidly gained popularity as a means of identification, and are now routinely used to unlock mobile devices and secure building entrances. Because of this widespread acceptance of the technology, it is increasingly being used to correctly identify patients and workers in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, hospices, and care homes. This method verifies the identity of a patient by comparing his or her fingerprints to those on file in the medical database. This reduces the likelihood that an imposter will be able to use a false identity to illegally get medical treatment or medications. It is estimated that prescription fraud in the United States costs the National Health Service $256 million annually. To prevent this, biometrics can be used to apply a patient’s current work or status, as well as their eligibility for free medications, to their record. 

2. Restricting and controlling access:

With biometrics, only authorized personnel may enter restricted areas inside a healthcare facility, such as specific wards, operating rooms, offices, and gadgets. When combined with an access control system, fingerprint scanners provide for streamlined management of employees’ access to a variety of restricted places. This will prevent unauthorized individuals from entering the building by using a valid key card or PIN number belonging to a legitimate member of the organization’s staff. Keeping track of your staff’s whereabouts during events will help you better manage processes and reduce both internal and external risks. 

3. More secure prescribing methods:

If you can verify a patient’s identity with a fingerprint scan and then access their medical information, you’ll know for sure that the medicine you’re giving them is both safe and appropriate for their condition. Because fingerprints are immutable from birth, fingerprint scanners are ideal for medical records because they provide access to a patient’s whole medical history before any significant treatment choices are made. This is especially helpful for any new, temporary, or locum employees who may not yet be familiar with your organization’s patient base to make sure they are prescribing and diagnosing correctly. 

4. Secure Patient Information Exchange:

There are two ways in which biometric technology might improve the safety of patient data transfers. First, a fingerprint may be used to locate the proper patient’s medical file. The second is that the doctor will have to verify his or her identity with a fingerprint scan before sharing the record, medical notes, or any other patient data to another doctor or healthcare provider. Patients’ information is protected from unauthorized access and may be correctly shared throughout medical facilities, clinics, dentists’ offices, and other medical professionals. This can be the first step in eliminating human error, as it provides a more conclusive means to verify that the proper patient’s information has been passed to the appropriate third party. 

5. Workforce management:

You can keep track of each employee’s time and attendance and exercise remote control over the places they can access across departments in the healthcare industry thanks to biometric technology used in the workplace. Integrating with time and attendance management software allows you to keep tabs on when and where employees spend their time on the job. Your HR department may use this information if there are any differences, and payroll can use it to make sure everyone’s pay is calculated correctly. 

Biometric technology has the potential to drastically improve healthcare facilities’ IT and physical security. Fingerprint scanners have a wide range of potential operational applications, and this is only expected to expand as biometrics technology advances.

In conclusion, biometrics is revolutionizing patient identification, data security, telemedicine, and many other aspects of the healthcare business. By keeping an eye on new developments and putting biometrics to good use, we may look forward to a time when healthcare is not only more effective, but also more individualized, safe, and available to all. There’s little doubt that biometrics technology will play a pivotal part in molding the future of healthcare as we continue to develop and explore its numerous uses.


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