Florida Private School Scholarship Programs

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Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services is Tampa Florida’s Approved FDLE Livescan Service Provider Level 2 Fingerprinting
Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services supports Florida Family Choice Programs.
Privately funded educational programs allow families the independence they need to make the best possible choice for their children and families.
Most private schools have family (parent) volunteer service hours as a requirement for student enrollment. Some private schools offer to opt out service clauses for volunteers.
Volunteers in private schools enlist for many of these actives:
1. Athletic Coaches and Assist Coaches.
2. Classroom reading program Volunteers – Homeroom parent volunteers – volunteer homeroom helpers.
3. Volunteers for Classroom or church counseling programs.
4. Chaperon Volunteers for field trips and Dances.
5. Private schools attached to Churches: Any volunteer services benefiting the education of the children directly.
6. Other School/ Church Volunteer opportunities outside the school or church.
7. Any community actives (family night, art shows, or carnivals) in which children are involved and adult volunteers are present

Gives Private schools access to FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) for the purpose of background screening Volunteers, Employee and Non-Educational Contractors. screening is through FDLE Criminal History System and (VECHS).
If you or your organization is a nonprofit IRS 501(c)(3) please let us know, we can adjust our fees.
Access to the registry ensures private schools can background screen volunteers, employees, and other contracted personnel per Section 1002.421, Florida Statutes. Criminal history screening must be completed prior to employment. Anyone, failing to meet VECHS – criminal history screening standards cannot be employed in the PRIVATE SCHOOLS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM.
Children, the elderly and disabled are vulnerable populations. These populations are protected with state and federal laws, personnel must meet background screening standards under Section 1002.421, Florida Statutes (F.S.) to work with this population.
Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services level 2 fingerprinting is an Approved livescan service provider for FDLE employee and volunteer background screening. Whether you are moving out from or coming to Florida, we do have an Out-of-State FD 258 Card accepting and processing facility.
So, if you are searching for fingerprinting near me in Tampa, Florida, you know now where to head.
Apply for the VECHS Program and become an entity who is qualified to obtain criminal history record information for volunteers and employees, please follow these steps:
The applicant can be Emailed only: Subject line: VECHS Application: email – publicrecords_VECHS@fdle.state.fl.us
Upon review, FDLE will determine the applicants’ eligibility.
The review process can take up to 10 business days. Once, approved an information packet will be sent for the applicant to fill out and return.
Qualified organizations, or required to submit livescan level 2 fingerprinting, per Florida statues.
Once payment is made and livescan is submitted the organization has access to:
1. An indication that the person has no criminal history, i.e., no serious arrests in state or national databases if there are none.
2. The criminal history record (RAP sheet) shows arrests/and or convictions for Florida and other states if any.
3. Notification of any warrants or domestic violence injunctions that the person may have.
Once approved into the VECHS program the applicant will have access to: