FBI Overseas Employment

FBI Overseas Employment
Families are not left behind in overseas employment anymore. Teach Away, helped a young married teaching couple go an adventure of a lifetime; teaching and living in Scotland for 2 years! We got to see their excitement, what a joy! Some foreign embassies ask that you provide a copy of your criminal history record when requesting travel authorization.
Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services (FEFS) provides FBI Identity History Reports directly to consumers for their personal review via secure online login. FEFS submits FBI Identity History Report application with relevant data, collects the associated fee(s), electronically forwards the fingerprint submission with the necessary information for a national Identity History Summary check, and the electronic summary check result for dissemination to the individual. FEFS simply helps expedite the delivery of Identity History Summary information on behalf of the client.
While everyone prefers to plan international travel well in advance, many busy business travelers know that flying at the last minute goes with the territory. We provide a fast turnaround that can save weeks of waiting and missed trips.