ORI Number
Profession EDOEA310Z DOEA Department of Elder Affairs
Level 2 Background Screen – Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services is an FDLE Approved LiveScan Service Provider – Tampa LiveScan
DOEA - Florida Department of Elderly Affairs Fingerprinting process
430.0402 Screening of direct service providers.—
(1)(a) Except as provided in subsection (2), level 2 background screening pursuant to chapter 435 is required for direct service providers. Background screening includes employment history checks as provided in s. 435.03(1) and local criminal records checks through local law enforcement agencies.
Is compliance the reason level 2 background screening are initiated through the Clearinghouse website?
Level 2 screening is required because you, your employees or contracts service a vulnerable population. Vulnerable populations are protected by Local, State, and Federals laws and status.
Screening is initiated and approved in the Clearinghouse website before an applicant, employee or contractor can offer services to a client. Compliance and checking employee status in the clearinghouse is important because employee criminal history reports can change or update at any time.
The employee may not have direct contact with the vulnerable population until the screening process is completed and the employee is determined eligible. However, an employer may hire an employee/volunteer to a position that requires background screening before the employee completes the screening process for training and orientation purposes.
Level 2 background screening records are confidential and are not be shared with anyone other than the individual that was screened.
The employer should contact the person screened if delays exist.