Child Protection and Safety. Electronic Fingerprinting for employees in Kids-centric service providing companies

The DCF requires employment background screening that includes criminal history checks. Florida Department of Children (DCF) requires all licensed childcare and home childcare providers are electronically livescanned – level 2 fingerprinted.
It is heartbreaking to know that a child has to go through such a horrifying experience such as abuse. This could scar the child for life.
We have seen many adults these days that have faced child abuse and they struggle with the flashback memories and triggers throughout their life. It happens when the child is under the supervision of somebody will ill-intentions. The situation occurs when a person who is supposed to take care of the child has gone through the background check during the hiring process. His/her level II background check is not conducted through the LiveScan electronic fingerprinting by the kid-centric service providers.
Neglect, abuse, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse or trafficking to children is mostly conducted by someone who is known to the child or close to them. There could be a teacher, coach, nanny or babysitter or any volunteer around children in the close circle with cruel intentions.
Leaving the child alone with someone who has been a sexual offender in the past is a risky situation. But, how to identify whether the person who is taking care of your child or coaching your child is the right person to do the job? How do the parents know that the caretaker is not a child abuse offender?
Keeping Our Children Safe with Level 2 Background Check or Private Contractors who use personal FBI reports.
It is important to know who you let your child come close to. Level 2 background check is conducted on all types of employees even the volunteers in the charity organizations and NGOs. It became a mandatory process since a few of the NGOs started skipping the process and hired anybody without thoroughly checking the background.
This gave rise to child sexual abuse cases. The Florida Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers has allowed anyone who knows or has witnessed a child abuse act can report to the department. Follow the reporting guidelines.
With the level 2 background check being mandatory, the NGOs and other kid-centric service providers can know that they are hiring the right person who doesn’t have a criminal background or a sexual offender in this particular case. And, your child will be safe around that person. Every parent wants that peace of mind.
The kid-centered service providers follow the proper procedure and let all the applicants go through the LiveScan electronic fingerprinting process for the level II background screening checks.
The applicant’s information is cross-checked in the records in the FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) database, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) database with the help of local courts.
The level 2 background check is conducted using the LiveScan Electronic Fingerprinting done at an FDLE approved center. So, always search for FDLE approved LiveScan provider near me, you will get the list of FDLE approved centers generated that are authorized to do the electronic fingerprinting for the background screening.
Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services is FDLE approved and veteran-founded LiveScan electronic fingerprinting service provider. Electronic Fingerprint-based background checks are authentic and reliable. Simple name-based checks are not accurate. It is high time that we realize the importance of electronic fingerprint-based level 2 background check for the sake of our children.
All these efforts are done to provide a safe environment for children so that we can curb the child abuse cases and the children don’t have to face the trauma throughout their life. Child sexual abuse not just affects the child, but affects the whole family, start safe, stay safe.
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