Level 2 Fingerprinting Services CNA/Caregivers/Home Health Aides

Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services is an FDLE Approved Livescan Electronic Fingerprint Service Provider in Tampa Florida
Home Health Agencies provider specific and important services to their communities.
Home Health Agencies (HHA) provide clients with a convenient and excellent home care alternative to the traditional community center route. HHA’s offer clients appropriate stimulation and encouragement to continue to live their best lives at home. Caregiving services are provided by trained CNA – Caregivers and Home Health Aides.
Their quality of caregiving service is only matched by their total dedication to the needs of clients and the families.
“Home Health Agencies provided these and many more services: Medical | Non-Medical | In-Home Companion | Post-Surgery care with CNAs. Non-medical post-surgery care gives individuals looking to maintain their independence an alternative to traditional, in-patient, and post-surgery rehab.
Home HealthCare Management is an area of specialty practices, which assesses, implements,
monitors, coordinates clients’ individualized care plans, and evaluates continued care services to optimize our clients’ health and quality of life.
Home HealthCare Management can often reduce these contributing factors in elderly abuse and neglect
1. Functions that Home Health Agencies Caregiving Teams Perform
– CNA – Caregivers – Home Health Aides provide personal perineal care also known as “peri care.”
– CNA – Caregivers – Home Health Aides – Oral hygiene known as “dental and mouth hygiene”
– CNA – Caregivers – Home Health Aides – Personal assistances (Clients are assisted with dressing, undressing, and personal hygiene)
– CNA – Caregivers – Home Health Aides – Mild body massages to stop the breakdown of skin tissue
– CNA – Caregivers – Home Health Aides – Toileting Assistance (Clients are prone to falls and instability in gate when walking)
– Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care – Reinforce short term memory and formulary recognition
– Assist clients with home chores – Clients enjoy keeping busy, many still enjoy cleaning
– Prepare and freeze meals for client – Prepacking meals, the most efficient way monitoring nutritional intake
– Assist clients with eating meals – those facing swallowing studies and other swallowing issues
– Take and record oral axillary temperature measurements – Assist physicians with updates to care plan recordings.
– Assist in ambulation/exercise, according to the individualized plan of care
– Perform range of motion and other simple procedures with clients
– Assist clients in the self-administration of medication
– Assist clients with laundry
– Meet client’s safety needs by properly utilizing medical supplies and devices
– Report on patient’s condition and significant changes to family members
– Transport clients to medical appointments and obtain medical reports for families
– Adhere to policies, standards of personal and professional conduct, and the client’s individualized plan of care procedures
– Follow all privacy policies
2. Signs of Elderly Abuse Neglect
– Lack of basic hygiene, adequate food, or clean and appropriate clothing -Self and Caregiver abuse
– Lack of medical aids (glasses, walker, teeth, hearing aid, and medications) – Self and Caregiver abuse
– Person with dementia left unsupervised – Self and Caregiver abuse
– Person confined to a bed without care – Caregiver abuse
– Homes that are cluttered, filthy, in disrepair, or that have fire and safety hazards – Self and Caregiver abuse
– Homes without adequate facilities (stove, refrigerator, heat, cooling, plumbing, and electricity) – Self and Caregiver abuse
– Untreated pressure “bed” sores (pressure ulcers)
3. Financial Abuse/Exploitation
– Lack of amenities that the accused would typically be able to afford
– Vulnerable elder/adult “voluntarily” giving uncharacteristically excessive financial reimbursement/gifts for needed care and companionship
– Caregiver with control of elder’s money but failing to provide for the elder’s needs
– Vulnerable elder/adult who has signed property transfers (Power of Attorney, new will, etc.) but is unable to comprehend the transaction or what it means
4. Psychological/Emotional Abuse
– Unexplained or uncharacteristic changes in behavior, such as withdrawal from normal activities, unexplained changes in alertness, etc.
– Caregiver isolates elder (does not allow anyone into the home or to speak to the elder).
– Caregiver is verbally aggressive, demeaning, controlling, overly concerned about spending money, or uncaring.
5. Physical/Sexual Abuse
– Inadequately explained fractures, bruises, welts, cuts, sores, or burns
– Unexplained sexually transmitted disease
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