ORI Number
Hillsborough County Name Change
Pinellas County Name Change

Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services is an Tampa Florida’s Approved FDLE Livescan Service Provider Level 2 Fingerprinting

You must submit a criminal history report to the court via FDLE livescan service providers before a name change petition can be heard or granted. Level 2 / livescan fingerprints are captured and submitted electronically, F.S.68.07, electronic submission of fingerprints is mandatory. CCC’s of Florida State must have livescan fingerprinting recorded and on file. Pursuant to Florida State Statute: Registered as a sexual predator or a sexual offender – this must be disclosed in the petition as well as any registration as a sexual predator under section 775.21, Florida Statutes, or as a sexual offender under section 943.0435, F.S.


Before the court will hear your guardian advocate petition, you must have your fingerprints submitted for a state and national criminal history records check. Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services provides FDLE and FBI criminal history reports to individuals and courts.

Please contact the court for the correct ORI number for Guardianship applications.

Guardianship requires a level 2 background screened per the requirements under s. 435.04.

Guardians require a level 2 background screening – A criminal history report must be completed before asking for court-appointed Guardianship, other than corporate guardian as described in court mandate guardians seeking court appointment, other than a corporate guardian as described in s. 744.309(4), fiduciary responsibilities to the ward mandates a credit history report and investigation.

Being an FDLE Approved LiveScan Service Provider, Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services offers level 2 livescan electronic fingerprinting in accordance with the FDLE applicant background screening process.

We do have an Out-of-State FD 258 Card accepting and processing facility in case if you are moving out from or coming here in Florida. So, if you are searching for fingerprinting near me in Tampa, Florida, visit Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services without any doubt.