level 2 background check – Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services https://fefps.com Making an Appointment Saves You Money! Sun, 01 Oct 2023 13:16:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://fefps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/1idu-fav-icon-1-36x36.png level 2 background check – Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services https://fefps.com 32 32 Ultimate Guide to Employee Background Check Compliance https://fefps.com/ultimate-guide-to-employee-background-check-compliance/ https://fefps.com/ultimate-guide-to-employee-background-check-compliance/#comments Sun, 01 Oct 2023 13:12:17 +0000 https://fefps.com/?p=18785 When employing new staff, most businesses do background checks as standard practice. You may trust that the individual you hire has been thoroughly vetted thanks to this procedure. While this is a widespread practice, not all businesses do it consistently, which might have negative consequences. Background checks are essential, and employers would do well to learn their value, the rationale for implementation, and the ways in which best practices may enhance productivity and morale in the workplace.

The following benefits accrue to businesses when background checks are routinely used as part of the hiring process:

Background Checks: Regulations and Compliance Considerations

Employers can’t do their jobs without background checks. When performed properly, background checks may help businesses evaluate applicants, identify warning signs, and avoid allegations of negligent hiring. Background checks are an important part of any company’s due diligence process, but it’s important for employers to be aware of the many compliance rules that pertain to this practice. 

Employers risk legal action from candidates and watchdog groups like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission if they fail to follow background check compliance. To assist businesses in becoming and remaining compliant, this article will go into the finer points of background check compliance and legislation. It’s crucial to stress right off the bat that companies can’t just do anything they want with information they find from background checks and criminal records during the recruiting process. Instead, regulations and ordinances govern how these checks may be used and what information can be shared as a result. Those regulations may also differ from one county or city to the next within the same state.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

When it comes to workplace civil rights, the federal government’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the authority to trust. Specifically, the EEOC’s mission is to eliminate discrimination in the workplace. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issues guidelines on background checks as a means of combating discrimination in the workplace.

Using federal statutes “that protect applicants and employees from discrimination,” the EEOC’s background check guideline is meant to guarantee that firms are in compliance. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) may launch a lawsuit against an employer to enforce civil rights if a background check policy results in discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, or other protected characteristics.  

In accordance with EEOC regulations, businesses must treat all applicants fairly when conducting background checks. To rephrase, all candidates for a given position, regardless of their race, color, sex, or anything else, should be subjected to the same background check. Discriminatory and contrary to EEOC advice is a policy that exclusively checks the criminal histories of applicants of a given race or origin. 

When conducting a pre-employment background check, the EEOC doesn’t only look for obvious signs of bias. It’s possible that discriminatory practices exist among employers who do background checks on all applicants. This is due to the fact that discriminatory practices based on background check results are all too common among companies.

All employers must be wary of what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) calls “disparate impact” when making employment decisions based on background check findings. If a background check or hiring policy disproportionately disadvantages candidates “of a particular race, national origin, or another protected characteristic,” it violates EEOC guidance.

Employers might avoid a potentially discriminatory policy by instead zeroing in on specific criminal records that raise serious concerns about an applicant’s suitability for doing a particular job in a responsible, effective, safe, and legal manner. The greatest tactic is to seek for a criminal record that is directly related to the duties of the job. A shoplifting conviction, for instance, could be taken into account if the applicant is applying for a job in retail, as such convictions tend to be industry-specific. It would be more difficult to justify rejecting an applicant with a shoplifting record because of their interest in web design.

When deciding whether to take adverse action against a job candidate due to a conviction, the EEOC suggests taking into account more than just the conviction itself. The length of time since the conviction and whether or not the person is a repeat offender are also factors to consider. If an applicant has a clean record elsewhere and the conviction occurred many years ago, the employer should assign less weight to the conviction.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a crucial piece of legislation for companies to be aware of while doing background checks. Since the FCRA is a federal statute, all employers, regardless of location, industry, sector (public versus private), or other differentiating elements, must conduct background checks in accordance with the legislation.

Since its enactment in October 1970, the FCRA has been the primary piece of legislation governing the conduct of background checks. The legislation was designed and enacted with the intention of shielding customers from inaccurate information appearing on their credit reports. Introduced in 1950, credit cards quickly became a staple of everyday life in the United States. Credit reports emerged as a result of the widespread use of credit cards. Credit scoring was previously unstandardized and unregulated, leaving individuals defenseless against erroneous information being reported by credit bureaus. Additionally, credit reports back then carried more personal facts about one’s character, behavior, and even health than they do now. Legislators were concerned that these reports didn’t provide enough information and didn’t give consumers any real agency.

Concerns like these prompted lawmakers to pass the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and establish protections for buyers. Specifically, the FCRA mandated that businesses and other organizations conducting consumer background checks must advise the subject of their plans and obtain a written agreement from the subject before continuing. The FCRA also detailed procedures that a searcher must follow before taking any punitive action against a customer on the basis of background check results. The law established procedures for people to review and challenge inaccurate material on their own background check reports.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was one of the earliest U.S. regulations protecting individual privacy when it was enacted in 1970. Its original goal of making sure customers’ rights are protected during the background check process remains intact today. Employers are still required, more than 50 years after the FCRA was enacted, to provide written notice to job applicants of their desire to perform a background check. While an authorisation form can be sent alongside this notice, the two should be provided separately.

After that, if the background check leads to the employer deciding to retract or decline the offer of employment, the company must again inform the applicant in writing, this time including a copy of the background check report and an explanation of the applicant’s rights under the FCRA. The applicant should then have at least five days to reply to the notice and/or challenge the results of the background check.

The Case for Ban the Box

Compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is mandatory for all companies, but ban the box is not. The term “ban the box” is a movement in American lawmaking that has gained momentum during the past decade. The “box” in “ban the box” is a reference to the question on employment applications asking if the candidate has ever been convicted of a crime. Lawmakers have been working to “ban the box,” making it illegal for companies to include this inquiry in application forms.

Employers can still do background checks despite the ban the box movement. Ban the box regulations do, however, postpone the time at which prospective employers might inquire about a candidate’s criminal record. Without a law to prevent it, companies can inquire about applicants’ criminal backgrounds throughout the hiring process. Background checks on potential employees are permissible so long as they adhere to FCRA and EEOC guidelines.

Ban-the-box regulations make it illegal to ask about a candidate’s criminal background during the hiring process.  Background checks are often delayed until after an employer has made a “conditional offer of employment.” 

These rules are meant to prevent potential employees from being automatically labeled as “criminals” and denied employment. Early in the employment process is when businesses make up their opinions regarding candidates who disclose a criminal background. It’s possible that this evaluation isn’t even purposeful or thought out. Instead, many persons in charge of making job decisions hold hidden prejudices towards people who have criminal records. Therefore, it may be quite challenging for even the most knowledgeable and articulate ex-offenders to establish themselves once they have answered “yes” to a query about their criminal background. Advocates of “ban the box” legislation argue that companies are more likely to take ex-offenders seriously if they are given a chance to shine before the topic of criminal background is brought up. Ban-the-box legislation has been enacted in 37 states and 150 local jurisdictions across the United States, as reported by the National Employment Law Project (NELP). Public institutions, including government agencies, are the only ones subject to many of these regulations. Other groups include private companies that conduct business with the government as suppliers or contractors.

Private companies are covered by ban-the-box regulations significantly less often than government agencies, but these rules have increased in prevalence in recent years. NELP announced in June 2022 that 15 states and 22 municipalities have made their ban-the-box laws applicable to private businesses.

One of the most crucial facts to keep in mind concerning ban-the-box legislation is that the number of such laws keeps growing. Everywhere you go, from local city councils and county boards to state legislatures and the federal government, new ban-the-box legislation is being passed. Employers, to ensure they are in compliance, should keep an eye out for new legislation or regulations that may bring the ban-the-box trend to their backyards, in addition to checking the laws and ordinances where they are headquartered.

Acceptable Use of Social Media

With the rise of social networking platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, background checks on potential new hires have become standard practice. In certain cases, a “social media background check,” as it is colloquially known, might assist employers see red signals that they would have missed otherwise.

Potential employers may check candidates’ social media profiles to discover if they engage in negative talk about the company or their supervisor. It’s easy to see why organizations would want to avoid hiring people who are likely to engage in unfavorable internet discussion about their company.

Social media background checks are also commonly used by employers to see if an applicant has a history of using offensive language. There should be no barriers to entry into the workplace based on a person’s race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other aspect. Hiring someone with a racist perspective might be risky for the company’s culture and could even lead to legal difficulties.

Although it’s appealing to employers to identify these concerns on social media, doing social media background checks is fraught with legal peril. There are restrictions on how thorough an employer may be with these kinds of checks in some areas.

Problems with social media background checks are widespread even in jurisdictions where they are legally permissible to be conducted. Reviewing a candidate’s social media accounts is one example of how employers may gain information that might be used for discriminatory purposes during the hiring process. Social media users open up about aspects of their lives that are off-limits in the hiring process. Sexual orientation, gender identity, and nationality are all examples. A social media background check may affect a hiring manager’s objectivity if it reveals material such as this. Employers risk discrimination claims if they decide not to accept a candidate after discovering, via social media background checks, that they are, for example, transgender.

Compensation Record

Applicant’s previous employment and pay information is a popular topic of inquiry on job applications. This method, like doing credit checks, may be unlawful depending on the location of your organization. There are already rules in place in seventeen states and nineteen municipalities that restrict an employer’s access to an applicant’s salary history. Before including pay history sections on job applications, companies should make sure it is legal to do so where they are located.

Documentation of Prior Arrests

Employers often do background checks to learn about any felony convictions applicants may have. Employers are less convinced by an arrest that did not result in charges, led to the dismissal of charges, or resulted in a not guilty verdict than they are by an arrest that was followed by a conviction. However, arrest records are often included in background check reports because they are a component of the criminal record. The mere fact of an arrest can be enough for certain employers to rule out a candidate, even if they have never been formally convicted of a crime.

However, in many places, companies are allowed to take convictions into account when making employment choices but are prohibited from doing so based on arrest records. Once again, an arrest that did not result in a conviction is not conclusive evidence of guilt. Therefore, companies that use arrest records as a factor in the employment process run the danger of excluding applicants because of offenses they did not commit. The disproportionate nature of police contact with minority communities increases the likelihood that members of that community will have an arrest record, making any hiring policy that takes that into account suspect.

Checking of Credit Records

Employment in the banking, accounting, or customer service industries sometimes necessitates a thorough investigation of the applicant’s credit history. Employers in these fields often consider candidates’ financial habits and background to be important qualifications for open positions. A person’s capacity to handle financial concerns appropriately in the workplace may be indicated by factors such as their level of debt, credit score, payment history, and other similar factors.

However, several jurisdictions ban or place restrictions on these checks in the workplace. These include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Some people argue that employers shouldn’t look too deeply into an applicant’s credit history since it doesn’t always reflect how responsible they would be with company funds. Many things might lead to financial difficulties, such as paying for education or an unexpected medical bill. Some people think it’s unfair that people with bad credit have a harder time getting hired so they can’t get a job and get out of debt. Laws prohibiting or placing restrictions on credit history checks are generally in line with these perspectives, as they aim to eliminate potentially unjust entrance obstacles to employment.

If a company is contemplating adopting this form of screening, it should examine how applicable it is to the position they are trying to fill. Even rules that limit credit check usage have loopholes for certain businesses, especially in the banking sector. However, for many positions, credit history is irrelevant and shouldn’t be used as a cause to reject a candidate.

Toxicology Testing

Drug-free workplace rules are preferred by many businesses and required by law in other sectors. Generally speaking, businesses can demand drug testing of potential hires and current workers at any time. Even though marijuana has been authorized for medicinal and/or recreational use in many places, this does not imply that employers cannot conduct drug tests or make judgments based on the results of such tests. Consider New York’s statute that allows the use of medicinal marijuana. While this legislation generally protects employees’ ability to consume recreational marijuana, it does provide exceptions for a few situations.

For example, New York law acknowledges that federal and state restrictions may necessitate the exclusion of applicants or the termination of workers who test positive for marijuana usage. These rules are not superseded by New York law. To add insult to injury, businesses can legally fire workers for using marijuana if they are inebriated on the job or if it prevents them from providing a safe and healthy workplace. In other places where marijuana legalization is an issue, businesses are given a similar pass.

Other Compliance Considerations

Regulation and compliance with regard to background checks might also differ based on factors such as geography and kind of business.


Some of the most important rules that businesses must follow in regard to background checks are codified at the federal level, while others are established at the state or even municipal level. For instance, ban-the-box legislation is often not enacted at the federal level but rather at the state or municipal one. Similar limits apply to other forms of background checks such as credit checks, criminal records checks, and more.

Employers should always seek the advice of an employment attorney who is well-versed in the specifics of background check compliance requirements under local and state law for these and other reasons. Employers who consult with an attorney have a better understanding of the need for written rules and procedures and a clearer plan for conducting background checks.


Background checks are typically impacted by industry-specific laws and regulations that govern the recruiting process. The United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration both require applicants for jobs involving transportation (whether passenger or freight) to pass a criminal background check. Among these include a clean driving record, the ability to pass a drug test, and a complete physical.

Background checks are mandated by law in a wide variety of businesses, including healthcare, education, construction, and even cannabis. Once again, it’s recommended that businesses seek the advice of legal counsel when trying to make sense of the myriad of rules they’re expected to follow.

Summary of Why Criminal Records Checks Are Necessary

Employers should always investigate applicants’ histories before hiring them. In addition to ensuring the safety of their organizations, background checks help companies select the most qualified candidates for open positions. Employers may learn about a candidate’s past convictions, work experience, and education level thanks to background checks.

They can assist businesses in making educated hiring selections by providing detailed information about candidates. Employment screenings for criminal records also contribute to a secure and safe workplace.


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What are Pre-Employment Background Checks and Why are They Important? https://fefps.com/what-are-pre-employment-background-checks-and-why-are-they-important/ https://fefps.com/what-are-pre-employment-background-checks-and-why-are-they-important/#comments Sun, 17 Sep 2023 11:55:00 +0000 https://fefps.com/?p=18722 What are Pre-Employment Background Checks and Why are They Important?

Employers who are on the lookout for qualified workers might benefit from the information gleaned from criminal background checks. You may verify an applicant is who they say they are and learn about their criminal history (including felonies and misdemeanors) by doing a background check and an Identity Check. Credit checks are another part of the hiring process that may reveal important information about an applicant’s fiscal responsibilities, such as their spending patterns and debt load.

Background checks reveal important information that can help you make a wise employment decision; read on to discover more.

Please keep in mind that the information provided here is for reference purposes only and not as a substitute for professional or legal advice. It is recommended that you get the opinion of an attorney regarding your company’s operations and legal obligations. No association or endorsement is intended by the use of any trademarks shown herein.

While expanding your crew might boost your company’s output and income, it also exposes you to new dangers. Conducting background checks as part of your pre-employment screening process can vouch for the quality of your hires, which in turn may help your organization succeed.

What is a Pre-Employment Background Check?

Candidates you are most interested in hiring undergo a pre-employment screening procedure. It has several levels, and its specifics depend on the position you’re trying to fill. If you need to hire an accountant, you should look into their financial and criminal backgrounds. If you need someone to drive you around, you should investigate their experience behind the wheel.

The applicant’s identification, social security number, passport number, etc., may all be validated by a background check. Verification services, such as those used to confirm a person’s education or job history, are also a part of a comprehensive background check. The FCRA, the EEOC, and the FTA are the federal and state agencies responsible for regulating background checks on potential employees. Many jobs, especially those dealing with children or the elderly, such as physicians, teachers, carers, etc., need candidates to pass a background check.

A social media search may be conducted to learn more about the candidate’s personality, and assessment or evaluation tests may be used to determine the candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the position.

The importance of doing background checks on potential new employees.

Maintaining a risk-free workplace:

 Employers should be wary of hiring people who pose a threat to their company and their workers through acts of theft, violence, or fraud in the workplace.

Remove the rotten ones: 

If it is made clear that applicants would be subject to background checks, only serious candidates will apply. This may be done either in the job posting or throughout the application process.

Preventing liability by avoiding negligent retention: 

 If you don’t hire the appropriate people from the start, you might end up losing a lot of money to things like theft, litigation, and legal bills. What kind of trust can you have in someone, for instance, if you recruit them for a position in finance but then find out they have a criminal record? You will be putting the company’s finances in jeopardy. Avoid putting your company and its employees at risk by employing without doing proper background checks.

Don’t throw away resources waiting around: 

The employment process is sometimes rushed because many small firms believe background checks are unnecessary. They realize that their new employee isn’t as qualified as they’d hoped, or that they have a criminal history. As a result, they’ll have to start the hiring process over again, wasting even more time and resources.

What Are the Components of a Background Check?

There are numerous aspects to a background check, so we’ve compiled this list of the most common ones for your convenience. Applicants come in different shapes and sizes, so it’s up to you to create a background check policy that suits the demands of your organization and the position being filled.

Criminal History Record: 

A live scan is the most popular method of checking someone’s criminal record. A live scan is an inkless, electronic way of collecting fingerprints that may subsequently be sent to a state repository like the Department of Justice or the Federal Bureau of Investigation for enhanced security clearance. Child abuse, elder abuse, sex offenders, and recent convictions for things like theft, assault, drug possession, and so on are all revealed by a live scan.

Employment Verification: 

Human resources must contact the applicant’s former employers to confirm the applicant’s employment status, job titles, dates of employment, salary history, and other relevant information. Managers and coworkers can be contacted to verify the candidate’s experience, character, and whether or not they would suggest them for the position.

Social Media Screening:

 The applicant’s sense of humor, interests, and overall character may be gleaned from this. This isn’t as crucial as the others, but it’s still an excellent approach to figure out whether the candidate is a suitable cultural match for your company.

Credential Authentication 

Degrees and certifications can be validated with the respective universities or institutes directly for confirmation. A diploma or sealed transcript from the school is often required by employers, but some may go further and call the school to verify the applicant’s academic credentials.

Credit History Check: 

Financial job applicants, such as an accountant or CFO, should have their credit checked; a comprehensive credit report is available from major credit reporting agencies like TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian. Debts, loans, credit histories, account balances, etc., both current and historical, are all included in this report.

Testing for Drugs and Alcohol: 

It’s not without danger that you hire a former drug addict to educate or care for your children. Employers who take drug and alcohol testing seriously and have a uniform policy benefit greatly.

Driving History and Vehicle Documentation: 

Accidents, moving infractions, and DUI convictions are all part of the information that the local DMV might provide in response to a request for a driving record. This report is available for in-person and online requests.

How Much Time Does It Take to Conduct a Criminal History Check?

If you are dealing with a screening company, you may inquire about the expected turnaround time for your specific background check. If the FBI check is required in addition to the live scan background check, the turnaround time might be longer.

In addition, contacting former workplaces and educational institutions might take a few days. Some tasks may still require human intervention, such as retrieving documents from the courthouse.

How much do criminal records check typically cost?

Always shop around for the best deal on screening services before committing to one firm. Prices range from $60 to $80 for a live scan, depending on whether background checks are required (DOJ or FBI, or both). The DMV will provide a report on your driving history for as low as $5. The price of a laboratory drug or alcohol test might range from $50 to $80. You may do the remaining inspections at no cost to yourself, though your time and energy will be required.

Tips for Passing a Pre-Employment History Check

Those who are seeking work would be wise to research “what do employers look for in a background check?” in order to better prepare themselves for the screening phase of the hiring process. Here are some things that applicants might do to prepare themselves:

Recognize the potential impact of what former employers may say about you.

When asked for an employment verification, most companies will keep to responding only the most basic of inquiries. Human resource managers are happy to have open conversations on issues including job titles, employment dates, reasons for leaving, and rehire eligibility. The more open-ended inquiries, such as what your previous employer thought of your character or work ethic, might be difficult. Human resources directors or former bosses will frequently not respond to such questions because they fear being sued for defamation by former workers.

Get your files in order

Applicants who are anxious about the verification procedure are advised to conduct their own checks. Self-check is also available at Florida ElectronicFingerprinting Services. This tactic allows the candidate to see their record before it is shown to the hiring manager. Doing a self-check is a great method to confirm that an expungement has taken effect, or just to get some much-needed piece of mind.

Do a credit check.

Self-credit checks, like self-criminal background checks, can provide insight into what potential employers may view and how they may use that information to make hiring decisions. Some job-seekers take these tests to evaluate if they need to elaborate on their backgrounds in order to explain away less-than-stellar scores. Please be aware that each customer is entitled to a free credit report once per year from each of the three credit reporting agencies.


It’s not easy to find a reliable worker, but FEFPS makes it much simpler. Pre-employment screening services from FEFPS can help you make quicker, more educated hiring decisions. You’ll get instant access to background checks, credit reports, and ID verification to help you make an informed hiring choice.

Questions & Answers

What kinds of things do background checks look for to exclude candidates?

Different companies will have different policies on this issue. The response may vary based on a number of factors, including the nature of the position, the company’s overall approach to discrimination, and the benevolence of particular hiring managers. Extreme criminal convictions (violent crimes, sex offenses, etc.) and dishonesty on the part of the job applicant are the most typical disqualifiers in the vetting process. These characteristics serve as “red flags” for nearly every business out there. As we’ve already established, however, there are additional characteristics that might be dealbreakers depending on the profession, such as a history of reckless driving for driving-related employment or poor credit for financial-related ones.

When an employer conducts a background check, how do they do it?

At FEFPS, we verify employment by calling a candidate’s previous employers and asking pertinent questions regarding start and end dates, job titles, and more.

What can be revealed in a background check?

A “background check” is actually a series of searches across several databases, with the goal of learning as much as possible about a prospective candidate’s history. A person’s criminal record, driving record, job history, educational background, and professional licenses can all be verified by a pre-employment screening service. Details such as employment, education, criminal, and bankruptcy records, as well as aliases and other identifiers, are included.


https://fefps.com/what-are-pre-employment-background-checks-and-why-are-they-important/feed/ 44
Should You Request an FBI Background Check on Your Spouse? https://fefps.com/should-you-request-an-fbi-background-check-on-your-spouse/ https://fefps.com/should-you-request-an-fbi-background-check-on-your-spouse/#comments Sat, 16 Sep 2023 11:43:57 +0000 https://fefps.com/?p=18715 Should You Request an FBI Background Check on Your Spouse?

Simply put, you and your future spouse are both free to request an FBI record check. After all, it’s preferable to err on the side of caution. Marriage is a vow of faithfulness that lasts a lifetime. Before making a long-term commitment, each individual should have a firm grasp on the other’s background, history, and personality. One of the greatest methods to ensure your marriage doesn’t turn into a nightmare is to conduct a level 2 background check.

Why Get a Background Check Before Marriage?

Both Spouses Are Going to the Doctor. Background checks, first and foremost, are not an issue of candor and openness. It’s only right that both of you submit to an FBI check before tying the knot. This might be viewed as something humorous as well. Remember that your partner may be completely unaware of the potentially devastating knowledge they possess. You may be doing yourself a favor by conducting a background check since it will allow you and your potential spouse an opportunity to clear your names.

Find the Potentially Hidden Skeletons. Background checks provide you the opportunity to investigate your potential partner’s history and uncover any potential baggage. This may shed light on things like past convictions, jobs, relationships, substance misuse, and financial difficulties. Any of these situations might be regarded as insurmountable obstacles to getting married and should be discussed in depth with your future spouse.

Information Included in An FBI Background Check

The most common purpose for doing a background check is to look for evidence of criminal activity. All misdemeanor and felony offenses at the federal level are included in an FBI background check. Conviction, charge, and incarceration details may also be uncovered in the background check. Criminal non-convictions during the past seven years, official personal information, and housing history are also part of an FBI background check.

FBI Fingerprint Check

Fingerprints are used by the FBI for identification purposes. You and your spouse’s fingerprints can be submitted to the FBI through live scan for background checks.

Live scan fingerprinting is the technique of acquiring fingerprints digitally and sending them to a state repository, like the FBI, in real time.

Electronic fingerprint processing means you can acquire the results of your future spouse’s background check in a couple of hours.

The fingerprints are checked against state and federal crime databases.

In order to submit your fingerprints for an FBI background check, you and your partner will need the assistance of a qualified live-scan fingerprint technician.

Reasons for doing background checks on potential partners

It’s not wise to start a new life with someone about whom you have many unanswered questions. You should know how to do a background check before getting married for these reasons:

Insuring a safe and happy future together

The decision to be married is a major one. You commit to spending the rest of your life with one person. The path you and your partner take into the future is influenced by your own histories. To be prepared for your future with your partner, it is wise to conduct a background check on your spouse.

You should be informed of their past failures and blunders, no matter how large or tiny, so that you can assess how their past may affect your present and future.

Record of infractions

When conducting a background check on a potential life partner, it is crucial to learn whether or not they have a criminal record. People may evolve, therefore having a criminal record from the past isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

However, it’s dubious when they choose to conceal that information from the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. This casts doubt on their honesty and loyalty and makes you wonder what more they could be hiding. 

In addition, prior criminal history should raise red flags and prompt extra caution, no matter how much has improved.

Prior instances of domestic violence

One-third of women and one-quarter of males globally suffer some type of domestic abuse.  This is why it’s a good idea to conduct some background checks. You should make sure your potential spouse has no history of maltreatment at home. 

However, not all cases of domestic violence are recorded by the police, thus even those who pass a spousal background check may be abusive towards their spouses. 

However, by taking this preventative action, you can lessen the likelihood of experiencing domestic violence from your spouse in the future. 

Authentication of Individuality 

This is the bulk of any investigation into a prospective spouse’s past. Proof that they are who they say they are would be helpful. One common motivation for embellishing one’s biographical details is the desire to make a favorable impression on a potential partner. 

Theft of one’s identity is another potential risk. It is now much simpler to steal a person’s whole identity because of the widespread availability of records from internet databases. 

Do marital details show up on background checks? And of course. You may verify the authenticity of their name, age, and other personal details by doing a background check. 

While being trustworthy and open with one another is crucial in any relationship, it’s wise to exercise caution when dealing with a matter as severe as identity theft. 

Compulsive actions

Whether or if your spouse has come clean about it immediately is equally relevant. They could admit they “drank too much in the past,” yet you might detect worrying signs of addiction nevertheless. They may still be dismissing the gravity of their dependency. 

A spousal background check that turns up a history of drug offenses, suspected DUIs or abnormal behavior patterns should raise warning flags. 

Verification of Marriage

You may question your spouse directly, but a spouse background check is also a good idea if you have any doubts about whether or not they are giving the whole truth. Is a person’s marital status revealed by a background check? In a word, yes. Using this method, you may find out if your potential spouse is single, divorced, or has children from a previous relationship.

It’s important to know right away whether your potential spouse is previously married or if they have any major financial obligations like child support that you were unaware of. That’s why it’s crucial to research your potential spouse’s family tree.

Acquainting oneself with their relatives

When you marry someone, you become an integral part of their world, including their home and family. You’re adopted into their family. 

If your potential spouse is reluctant to expose you to their family, it’s smart to conduct a background check on them as well. Your relationship will be most impacted by issues within your immediate family. You need to be prepared for any problems by anticipating what they could be. 

Financial problems

The state of your spouse’s finances might have an impact on your own. Before committing to a life together, be sure neither of you is bankrupt or saddled with mountains of debt. After tying the knot, couples tend to have similar financial situations. The financial difficulties of your partner might have far-reaching consequences for you. Investigate your partner’s financial history as part of your background research to help you come up with effective solutions. 

Better safe than sorry

Despite how wonderful it may seem, a marriage may be a prime target for scam artists. If you want to avoid a highly expensive divorce because you fell for a fraud or scam, it’s better to be cautious than sorry. 


Relationships thrive on mutual respect and trust. On the other hand, your spouse could occasionally do things that make you skeptical of them. 

If you want to be sure your future spouse doesn’t have anything to conceal, a background check is a good idea. In doing so, you’ll be able to put your relationship and mental health first again.


The results of an FBI background check won’t always be bad. The results of these tests may provide insight that strengthens your relationship with your spouse. It may sound cold to ask your spouse to submit to an FBI background check, but doing so might preserve your marriage. You could look for live scan fingerprinting near me if you’re ready to move further.

You or your spouse may get your fingerprints scanned in real-time at the aid of a reliable live-scan professional, and then have those fingerprints sent on to the FBI via a legal FBI Channeler.

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The Pros and Cons of a Fast Background Check https://fefps.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-fast-background-check/ https://fefps.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-fast-background-check/#respond Sat, 17 Jun 2023 18:54:26 +0000 https://fefps.com/?p=18005

Background checks are standard practice for most companies when considering a new hire. They do this to keep their employees safe, find employees who are a good fit for the company, pick the best prospects, and avoid legal trouble.


Even though it may seem obvious to do background checks on prospective employees, some companies nevertheless may be wary of the potential drawbacks. If you’re debating whether or not to use background checks in your company’s hiring process, here are some arguments for and against.


The Importance of Turnaround Time in Background Screening


Background check turnaround times matter to your business because they affect how quickly you can fill open positions and bring new employees on board. In fact, starting the onboarding process and adding new personnel to the payroll is facilitated by completing background checks as quickly as possible.


A complete background check, including an employment sanctions check and verification of licenses and other qualifications, is an essential part of the healthcare hiring process. Your background check service must execute these checks promptly, thoroughly, and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations from organizations like the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Office of Inspector General (OIG). By finishing these steps promptly, you can keep candidates interested in working for your company and less likely to go elsewhere for employment.


Reasons in Favor of Quick Background Checks


LinkedIn data indicates that the typical hiring process for healthcare professionals takes 40 days. However, if there are any holdups in the employment process, that number might easily rise to 50 days, 60 days, or even longer. When your healthcare organization takes too long to fill positions, it can have negative implications on patient care.


On the flip side, here are some advantages you might reap from running background checks quickly:


1. Possibility of a quicker hiring process

2. Improvements to the application process

3. Expediting the process of being productive in one’s position at work

Negatives: Dangers Associated with Putting Tempo Above All Else


In the case of time-sensitive commercial procedures, speed isn’t always preferable. Prioritizing velocity over thoroughness in a healthcare background check system is a recipe for disaster. You run the danger of running an inaccurate process, and you also raise the likelihood of inaccuracies in background check results, which might delay things while the mistakes are examined and fixed.


The following are some of the drawbacks that can arise from prioritizing a quick background check over other considerations:


1. Key data in a person’s background, such as gaps in employment or lack of credentials, may be missed in a hastily conducted background check.

2. Background check companies should not rush through the screening process, since doing so increases the likelihood of mistakes and the potential for the company to miss out on a wonderful prospect or select someone who poses a risk.

3. It is possible that information that should be redacted from a background check report, such as bankruptcies older than 10 years or jail records older than 7 years, will be included because of a flaw in the screening process.

How to Get High-Quality and Accurate Background Checks, Fast


The 2021 PBSA annual employer poll found that turnaround time was the second most critical element after accuracy when selecting a background screening service. However, 83% of employers cited quality and accuracy as vital, showing that they do not prioritize speed over accuracy.


You’ll be able to maximize both speed and accuracy by following these steps. You don’t have to choose.


Create well-defined procedures for performing background checks.

You’ll need all the aid you can get in today’s healthcare job market to streamline the background check process and cut down on the time it takes to hire new staff. When you have a well-defined, all-encompassing screening policy and a set of automated processes in place, you can conduct background checks quickly.


Paperless disclosure and authorization and mass background check requests can help you save time and feel less overwhelmed when dealing with unusual circumstances or candidate disagreements, respectively.


Establish the sweet spot between turnaround time and precision.

Work with a screening provider who can give industry-leading turnaround times while still delivering a thorough background check instead of falling for the claims of a “instant background check” that is delivered swiftly but only provides part of a candidate’s background.


These are some of the features you should anticipate from a screening service:


1. In-depth familiarity with all of the essential criteria for conducting a complete healthcare background check

2. Improve the effectiveness of your screening program using our exclusive technologies.

3. There are built-in alerts that let you know when background check reports need your attention.

Understand the factors affecting turnaround time delays.

The time it takes to conduct a background check can vary depending on a number of internal and external factors. Having this knowledge will allow you to better plan for and deal with delays. For instance, if you partner with a screening service that monitors federal and state court delays, you’ll be aware of areas where turnaround times are more likely to be extended and can inform candidates appropriately.


There are other potential causes of background screening delays, all of which can be mitigated with the aid of your background check service.


1. Inadequate details about the candidates

2. Hiring and screening procedures that are done manually.

3. Response lag from institutions used to verify employment and education

Take advantage of a service that uses cutting-edge technology for background checks.

The efficiency of modern background screening technology allows you to request background checks more quickly and receive results more quickly. Automating the disclosure and authorization stages as well as the drug screening and scheduling stages of a background check complements the knowledge and judgment of screening analysts.


Here are some of the advantages you’ll get by teaming up with a screening firm that makes use of cutting-edge technologies for background checks:


1. Recruiting software integrations, allowing for faster data collecting

2. Optional in-app messaging between recruiters and candidates for more rapid clarification and response.

3. Quickly review case summaries as they become available thanks to our efficient case views.

Are Background Checks for Employment Worth it?

When weighing the benefits and drawbacks, it’s clear that employment background checks are a net positive for your business. An organization’s brand and employees’ well-being can both benefit from and be safeguarded by conducting thorough background checks on prospective employees.


Background checks should be a standard element of any hiring process to give you confidence that the people you’re putting into positions of trust will do a good job. Checking the backgrounds of prospective employees can help businesses save money by warding off theft and fraud on the inside and protecting them from claims of negligent hiring. By partnering with a reputable service like FEFPS, you may sidestep many of the disadvantages of doing pre-employment screenings.

Bring about the possibility of quick, thorough background checks

It is not always obvious which combination of activities will result in the most significant improvement given all the elements affecting your capacity to receive high-quality, rapid background checks. It can be difficult to know what to do and when to do it without first doing a complete evaluation of your background screening program with your background screening supplier.


An audit of your background screening program is an excellent method to examine the overall health of your program and identify areas where you can introduce new best practices, including identifying process inefficiencies that could be slowing down background check turnaround times. 


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Reducing the Risk of Reject Fingerprint Submission https://fefps.com/reducing-the-risk-of-reject-fingerprint-submission/ https://fefps.com/reducing-the-risk-of-reject-fingerprint-submission/#respond Sat, 10 Jun 2023 19:38:50 +0000 https://fefps.com/?p=17966 No one else in the world has fingerprints that are an identical match to yours. That’s the idea underpinning all forms of biometrics, from thumbprint-based smartphone unlocking to fingerprint-based background checks. Unfortunately, your fingerprints are susceptible to wear, calluses, and other distortions from the activities you engage in. Your fingerprints might be rejected if they are distorted in this way.


What happens if your fingerprints are refused, why your fingerprints could be rejected, and what you can do to lower the likelihood of rejection are all topics we’ll cover in this article.


How Fingerprints Are Taken


Ink and cards were used for fingerprinting until digital scanner technology made the procedure more efficient. Typically, alcohol is used to clean the subject’s hands before the experiment begins. After the ink has dried fully, it is rolled over the pad of each fingertip to cover the region. Then, one at a time, the fingertips are rolled over certain areas of shuffled cards. To make rolled fingerprints, each fingertip is rolled from the nail side to the other. Fingers from both hands are then put on the underside of the vehicle to create flat fingerprints. To demonstrate their precision, the flat imprints are contrasted to their rolled counterparts.


Modern fingerprinting systems use digital scanners to get fingerprint pictures. The individual places his or her fingers on a silicon or optical scanner. Fingerprint scans are captured and converted into digital patterns after being held on the reader’s surface for a few seconds. After being collected, fingerprint patterns are uploaded to a server from which a computer may get them.


If your fingerprints aren’t accepted, what will happen?


Here either of the two scenarios will happen: 


Most people enroll their fingerprints by going to a FEFPS or other approved Livescan fingerprinting service. Our trained staff will notify you that you need to rescan your fingerprints if the quality is low. If many attempts fail, we will send you home with instructions on how to improve the quality of your fingerprints.


The second possible outcome is that your fingerprint submission is denied by the receiving agency after having been accepted by the fingerprinting agency. Your application may be held up if this happens. It is advised that you take precautions to avoid this.


Apply Some Good Lotion to Your Skin


We’re all fans of calming aromas, but few of us realize that frequent handwashers shouldn’t use some cosmetic products.  


You may want to look for unscented lotions with a high concentration of natural oils the next time you go shopping. This entails selecting creams with chemicals whose names seem familiar. 


Use products like olive oil, shea butter, oats, and lotions. At least three times every day, you should apply lotion to your hands. Always apply hand lotion after drying your hands. 


However, on the day of your fingerprint appointment, don’t use any hand moisturizer.


Use Natural Oils


If your fingerprint is getting rejected by the scanner, try rubbing some natural oil onto your fingers to make the ridges more noticeable. Some individuals smooth out the peaks by scratching their fingers on top of their heads. You’re welcome to do so, but please don’t lick or blow your fingers, since doing so might transmit bacteria that could be hazardous. 


Lessen Your Reliance On Antiseptic Hand Gel 

Alcohol and other compounds often found in hand sanitizers can be drying to the skin. Moisturizers added to the sanitizer won’t be able to counteract the drying effects of the chemicals in it. 


If you have access to soap and warm water, washing your hands with that will assist. Don’t use toilet paper to dry your hands; instead, let them air dry and then apply lotion. 


For Scanners, Use Your Non-Dominant Finger


Fingerprinting is often done using the forefinger of the hand that is not the one being used to write. If it doesn’t work, try using your middle or ring finger on the other hand. 


Select Livescan Fingerprint Scanning.


However, this is conditional on the location(s) requiring your fingerprint(s). Electronic fingerprinting has become the norm for conducting background checks on job applicants and current employees. If you have the option between ink-based fingerprinting and electronic fingerprinting, go with the latter.


Fingerprints taken with ink must have clear ridges and dry fingers, and after they’re perfect, they’ll be submitted to the appropriate authority. If your credit card application was declined, resubmitting it might take several days. With electronic fingerprinting, fingerprints may be rescanned several times until accuracy is achieved.


Set Your Goals


If there is a chance that your fingerprints may be refused during your appointment, treat your fingertips like royalty. Take a week off from gardening or rock climbing before your scheduled appointment. 


In the event that your job requires you to handle fingerprints of questionable quality, you may want to postpone your appointment until Monday. You should also moisturize your hands for a week to seven days before the encounter. Avoid applying hand moisturizer on the day of your visit, since this might impair the scanner’s ability to read your fingerprints, as was previously mentioned.


Visit a Trustworthy Fingerprinting Service.


Think about visiting a trusted fingerprinting service, like FEFPS, to get your prints taken. Our skilled personnel can identify poor quality fingerprint scans and assist you in rescanning your hands before submitting them to the appropriate authority.


Accurate fingerprints are required for all security checks and background investigations. When fingerprints are rejected, what would normally be a quick and easy process becomes time-consuming and frustrating. Improving the procedure and lowering the likelihood of rejection will make taking fingerprints easier for you to do.


Expert technical assistance might be invaluable when attempting to collect fingerprints. Contact us if you need fingerprinting done at one of our sites or at your place of business. When it comes to authenticating services and individualized client support, Reliability Screening Solutions is your one-stop shop. We guarantee accurate and safe fingerprint collection thanks to our certification and team of highly trained experts.


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Choose the Most Reliable Background Check Service https://fefps.com/choose-the-most-reliable-background-check-service/ https://fefps.com/choose-the-most-reliable-background-check-service/#respond Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:01:05 +0000 https://fefps.com/?p=17861 Choose the Most Reliable Background Check Service


More and more companies are seeing the value of performing background checks on prospective employees. There is a proliferation of resources, so be specific about what you need and why you need it. The greatest level 2 background check service in Florida may be selected after a thorough understanding of the fundamentals. There are several determinants of pre-employment screening effectiveness. One of them is precision, but you also have to be cautious to estimate the cost accurately, which might differ depending on the service and the state you live in.

And then there’s a federal law to consider. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) governs the applicant information you may legally access and how you can legally use it in the hiring process. The correct use of background checks is becoming increasingly important in light of the recent increase in litigation against employers for suspected breaches of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

To help you select the most suitable background check service near me, we added the following tips.


Why a Background Check Service Is Crucial

You should know the value of hiring a screening firm to do background checks on your behalf before you begin your search. While doing checks in-house might save money, it requires significant investment in time and resources to ensure accuracy. Expert background check companies in Florida have the resources to efficiently and accurately collect the information you want. If you want to run your own background check, you may have to call around to different courts or even go to several courthouses to get the information you need.

Compliance with the law is something else to consider. The method used to check applicants’ backgrounds is delicate. Negligent hiring, discrimination, and other claims may be brought against the company if the procedure is not followed properly. Background check firms that use third-party services have the expertise to steer clear of any legal and other pitfalls.

  • Reliable Compliance

In terms of potential legal issues, a background check firm’s certification and compliance standards are among the most important criteria to consider. Background checks should always follow the guidelines set out by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). You may be held legally responsible if the firm you hire does not adhere to FCRA regulations. The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) recommends that you work with a business that has earned this certification.

The firm has obtained the appropriate certificates to demonstrate that it has complied with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations in conducting its background checks on job applicants. A reliable background check service will not only follow these rules internally but will also assist you in doing so, especially in the case of unfavorable action.

  • Secure Employee Data and Records

Compliance relies heavily on secure employee data and records. Background check results are private and should be safeguarded for the sake of both the firm and the personnel they concern. Most businesses today conduct and store background checks electronically. A safe data storage system is required for this reason. Taking precautions on several fronts to protect your employees’ data from prying eyes is essential. The penalties for your business, if personnel data are mishandled, are high. Choose a background check firm with a secure system to avoid any potential problems.

  • Effectiveness and Accuracy

Companies that do background checks must balance thoroughness with timeliness. Both qualities are crucial in the selection process. Candidates shouldn’t be kept waiting indefinitely, but neither should they have to cope with incorrect data. Choose a background check service that can satisfy your demands for both speed and accuracy. Again, this highlights the value of hiring outside help with the screening process. Background check businesses may get the information you need far more quickly than a person could on their own, thanks to their access to reliable databases and networks. Errors in clerical work or missing data may be spotted much more quickly with the use of these standardized procedures.

  • Methodical and Tailored Screening Procedures

There are several kinds of background checks. If you’re trying to figure out how to pick a background check firm, it’s important to find one that can meet your demands and is specialized in your field. See whether you can get a tailored plan by looking at the company’s options. This won’t be as big of a problem if the help you want is included in a typical background check package. Some businesses and sectors, however, need specialized assistance, such as credit checks for finance positions or driving records for transportation professions. Verify if the organization can adapt to the standards of your sector. The best background check service will have expertise working with companies like yours. This will ensure that the organization has a thorough screening approach tailored to your specific requirements.

  • Easy-to-Use and Approachable Interface

There is a lot of data gathered during a background check, but a reliable screening service can help you keep track of it all. Background checks nowadays typically involve extensive use of the internet and other digital mediums. The information and files you get should be presented in an intuitive interface. You can access your files quickly and without any confusion if you do it this way. Instead, simple interfaces make it easy to access any feature you could require at any time. The top background check businesses will utilize a data program that is simple to use for authorized personnel while providing maximum protection against unauthorized access.

  • Customer Service That Actually Cares

You should look for a firm that performs background checks that has reliable customer service. After all, you have to pay to get a background check done. You can receive greater value for your money if the customer service is helpful and pleasant. You need a group that is quick to respond, has extensive experience, and can tailor their assistance to your unique needs. After every encounter, you should feel assured and pleased with the conclusion. If you have faith in your team, you can have faith in the job they produce.



Choosing a reputable and effective background check firm is crucial to ensuring a smooth recruiting process and meeting regulatory requirements for screening potential employees.


You can trust that Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services will provide your business with the highest quality background checks possible in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as fast and helpful responses to any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

Florida Electronic Fingerprinting Services has the tools and proven track record to produce speedy and complete background reports regardless of your profession, thanks to our extensive expertise in servicing clients across a broad variety of industries.


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Why Livescan is the superior option for a comprehensive background check https://fefps.com/why-livescan-is-the-superior-option-for-a-comprehensive-background-check/ https://fefps.com/why-livescan-is-the-superior-option-for-a-comprehensive-background-check/#comments Tue, 30 May 2023 14:01:24 +0000 https://fefps.com/?p=17864 Why Livescan is the superior option for a comprehensive background check

To determine whether or not an individual has a criminal history, Live Scan Fingerprinting can be used. This involves digitally taking fingerprints and sending them straight to State Authorities and/or the FBI.  Digital fingerprints can be produced on FD-258 fingerprint cards using an FBI-approved printer.  It is possible to send these cards to other states for licensing processing. This in-depth explanation will clarify what LiveScan Fingerprinting is, how it works, and why it is increasingly necessary. 

Before you choose fingerprinting services in Florida, check out the benefits you can get from this service. 

Live scan fingerprinting: a brief history

Live scan fingerprinting has only been around for around two decades at most. Before the development of live scan fingerprinting technology, fingerprints could only be captured by ink imprints.

Setting up live scan fingerprinting equipment and digitally collecting fingerprints is only part of the process of live scan fingerprinting. It calls for a ubiquitous and reliable infrastructure in which fingerprints of individuals may be acquired from various sites and stored centrally or remotely.

Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) are commonly used to facilitate this. An AFIS is a database designed to store, compare, and share digital fingerprint information. Since processing millions or even billions of records might take a long time, AFIS often has access to powerful computing resources.

It is also important for law enforcement authorities to keep track of people’s identities in relation to their biometric identifiers. The FBI has the biggest collection of fingerprints and other biometric identifiers in the world. The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) was being developed by the FBI.

In the late 1960s, the FBI began devoting considerable time and resources to creating an automated system for fingerprint identification. In 1969, the FBI awarded the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) a contract to study automating fingerprint identification.

The FBI first actively promoted fingerprint identification in 1975, providing funds for the creation of fingerprint sensors and technologies for obtaining finer details. The exorbitant expense of digital storage meant that only the most minute details of fingerprint processing were saved. The NIST-created algorithm M40 for fingerprint machines was the first active algorithm employed by the FBI.

In 1999, the FBI’s comprehensive automated system for identifying fingerprints became live, known as IAFIS. The FBI is now able to search fingerprints taken with any system thanks to IAFIS. Additionally, it allowed for the coordination of various infrastructures. Electronic submissions of fingerprint services in Florida (for criminal history, background check, etc.) were accepted by IAFIS thanks to AFIS’s integration with fingerprint scanning technology.


When should you get a Live Scan?

Live Scan is also required for certain positions where access to sensitive information or security clearance is necessary.

Before allowing a candidate access to confidential information, employers should verify that they do not constitute a security risk. Live Scan aids in this process by delivering a detailed and reliable background check on potential hires.

In order to safeguard a company from any potential security breaches, a thorough background check is essential. Live Scans are a quick and easy way for businesses to evaluate potential hires for roles involving access to confidential data.


What are the benefits of live scan Fingerprinting?

Live scan fingerprinting is often used for civil purposes including employment and licencing checks. There are a number of advantages to using live scan fingerprinting over other techniques of conducting background checks, with or without the use of biometric information.

  • Accurate

Live scan fingerprinting-based background checks of job and assignment applicants provide higher precision and confidence in the verification process than other methods.

If you’re hiring a babysitter, for instance, and you don’t do a live scan-based background check but instead rely on an online background check, a fake ID may easily trick you. It’s possible that this person has a criminal history and might harm you or your loved ones.

Due to increased human error and duplicate records with comparable biographic information, mistakes are possible in background checks that rely on biographic information such as name, age, and residence.

However, mistakes in data entry or incorrectly obtained records are rendered moot by biometric-based background verification via a live scan.

  • Fast

Since fingerprints can now be captured electronically by live scan, it can be done much more quickly than any previous approach. If fingerprints or palm prints are provided digitally instead of printed and mailed, the turnaround time for results is reduced even more. When an individual submits their fingerprints electronically through the live scan, they join the queue of other applicants undergoing background checks.

New Generation Identification (NGI) allows the FBI to handle requests for live scan fingerprinting at record speeds.

  • Efficient

Law enforcement organizations still accept fingerprint submissions on paper fingerprint cards, but doing so accurately might be difficult. Fingerprinting FBI application forms looks simple at first glance, but it might take many tries to get it properly, and even then, there’s no guarantee that your submission will be approved. It is significantly more difficult to capture rolled fingerprints because even the slightest movement of the finger might cause the ridge imprints to overlap.

Submitting ink fingerprint cards to the FBI for a background check is a messy process, as anybody who has gone through it will attest. Due to the frequent occurrence of mistakes, a spare card must always be on hand. Even a minor misstep in motion can invalidate your entire application to the FBI.

You may avoid the hassle of ink and paper by using an electronic fingerprint reader and a card printing service. Alternatively, you can submit your fingerprints digitally. Live scan fingerprinting is undeniably far more efficient than paper-based submissions because it does not use ink and does not require any human efforts on the part of the submitter.

  • Eco-friendly

We can all agree that paper comes from trees and that excessive paper consumption necessitates further tree-cutting. However, the paper industry’s high water use has a deleterious effect on the environment.

There is no need for, or waste of paper in, the live scan fingerprinting and electronic submission of fingerprints procedure. Submitting fingerprints electronically for a background check has a net beneficial effect on the environment.

  • Consent of Applicant

It’s possible that certain government entities will ask for your criminal record without requiring a live scan, but if they do, you’ll be required to go through a live scan and produce your fingerprints or palm prints.



Criminal booking, identification, sexual offender registration, and background checks are just some of the many uses for live scan fingerprinting by law enforcement. It’s also used to provide permits and licenses for firms in the banking, insurance, finance, etc. industries.

“Criminal history record checks for a noncriminal justice purpose” encompasses the use of live scan fingerprinting for civil applications. A live scan may be required for a variety of reasons, including applying for a job or a license, dealing with immigration or naturalization issues, obtaining a security clearance, or even adopting a child.

Since fingerprints are taken and processed electronically in a live scan fingerprinting service near me, the human mistake that can occur when using ink to make fingerprint imprints is eliminated. Without live scan fingerprinting technology, law enforcement agencies would not be as efficient as they are today in a wide variety of criminal and non-criminal applications.


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